Thursday, November 04, 1999

Expanding the X-Wing Alliance Experience

"Hosk Station was created to be a resource for XWA ships, missions, and editors. I and Ypnokons (OptReview) formed a partnership to bring you a site that provides everything you need to expand your XWA gaming experience.

May the Force be with us!" -Dash, Webmaster

Take a look at what we are currently working on. Click here.

Hosk Station and Opt Review are looking for people to join our staff. We need people to review missions and ships. Drop me an e-mail if you're interested.

Project Links


Mission Downloads Added

Download Database

I've built in a Mission Download Database into the Station. This is set up by author, and includes some pretty outstanding missions that were submitted to me. We're glad to have 'em here! You can access this area by going to the Mission Command section.

In other news, I've got the Battle Dragon nearing completion. I need to remove some faces, but then it goes into testing mode. I'm going to assign flight group colors, since each Battle Dragon was supposed to be a different color to represent its home planet. I might need some beta testers for this opt.

Lastly, I had to set up some security on the forum. Used to be that you could post and have it appear right away. After some X-rated spam appeared, I had to change it to being moderated. Ah, well.


Zuckuss' Mist Hunter here

I've been trying to get some things done with Hosk Station lately, including opting the different bounty hunter's ships. Enter the Mist Hunter! This ship is used by Zuckuss and 4-LOM. Looks something of a cross between a TIE Fighter and a cloud car! Anyways, get it in the Shipyard.

This is part of my bounty hunter project. This is where it stands;

  • IG-2000 (IG-88): done
  • Mist Hunter (Zuckuss & 4-LOM): done
  • Punishing One (Dengar): 90% done
  • Hound's Tooth (Bossk): done, but I'm going to retexture it

I'll be doing the Hapan Battle Dragon as soon as the Punishing One is finished. Also, I'm going to redo the textures on the Storm.


Ord Mantell Forum Added

Been a little while since I've updated the site. I've added a forum for mission development called Ord Mantell. The link to reach it should be on all pages.

Speaking of missions, I haven't had the time to do the reviews. Hosk Station REALLY needs help in this department! Anyone who can help please send me an e-mail,

On the horizon, I'm going to try to get some opt work done this weekend. Before long I'll put up downloads for the Hapan Battle Dragon, Punishing One, and Mist Hunter.



Interested in submitting your own mission, ship, or review? Have any recommendations for the Station? Contact Dash at Please remember: evaluating opts and missions, as well as keeping the website updated is time intensive, so we will do our best to respond to your email!

Navigating Hosk Station

  • Home: This page, displays news and important infomartion

  • The Shipyard: Where our XWA opt downloads are, as well as links to other opts and reviews

  • Mission Command: Where featured missions get reviewed and downloaded

  • Slicer's Cantina: Editing XWA information is here. Has downloads, links, and tutorials.

  • Hyper(Link) Buoy: Links and reviews of sites related to X-Wing Alliance.

  • Ord Mantell Forum: Forum to discuss editing XWA, making missions, ships, and more

Explore the Station
The Shipyard Mission Command Slicer's Cantina Hyper(link) Buoy Ord Mantell Forum
The Shipyard | Mission Command | Slicer's Cantina | Hyper(link) Buoy | Ord Mantell Forum


Webmaster: Dash Rendar
and: Ypoknons